Since the latest FSD update on Thursday, I've driven around town a little using FSD. Maybe because I live in a small town in TN with a lot of strange twisty roads and somewhat odd angled turns, it still makes some less than ideal decisions occasionally. That being said, for the most part it seems to be working much better than 12. This trip was ~700m from TN to FL so I was interested to see how the now Chill/Standard/Hurry speed profiles work. Here are my thoughts:
The car somehow made a wrong turn and ended up heading north again. It had to go about a mile before it could exit the current road it was on and start heading in the right direction again.
When getting ready to take an exit off the interstate, the car still has a tendency to decide to try and pass the car in front right before the exit. I always catch it in time but, if I wasn't paying attention, it would completely miss the exit.
Speaking of paying attention, this wasn't the cars fault but, I was wearing sunglasses and the sun was directly in my face so the car couldn't track my eyes. This caused me to have to touch the steering wheel periodically to prove I was paying attention. I was screwing around with the AC and it warned me a couple of times and I was jiggling the steering wheel. Unbeknownst to me, it had started tracking my eyes again and I definitely wasn't paying attention so, I ended up with a strike and had to drive about 40 mins to the next charging station before I was let out of jail.
Interstate driving was incredible. I was in Hurry mode for almost all of the trip. As far as speed goes, with 12, I constantly had to press the accelerator to get it to do an even remotely modest speed and it would eventually slow down again. Not any more, the speed was perfect. Keeping up with traffic in the fast lane and even going a little faster at times. Driving in the middle lane and only using the fast lane to pass. It slowed down when there were police lights up ahead, changed from the slow lane to give a disabled semi space then immediately changed back. I only changed out of hurry to Chill mode when stuck in Atlanta traffic because the lane changes were a bit much and not particularly effective.
Close to the end of the trip at 1230am, when I was tired as hell and not particularly with it mentally, based on the performance of the last 11 hours, I had a great deal of confidence that all I had to do was watch the road and everything would be just fine.
Even with the directional screwup early in the trip, I can honestly say that driving on the interstate was a 10/10 experience.